Outerfiber™ / Innerfiber™
Even when the same artificial fiber is used for blades, performance varies based on where the fiber layers are positioned.
Blades with an Outerfiber™ structure have artificial fiber layers placed just beneath the surface veneer--a long-established design. They enhance the feel of artificial fibers, enabling faster shots.
In contrast, blades with an Innerfiber™ structure feature artificial fiber layers near the wooden core, a configuration first introduced in Butterfly's blades in 2009. This structure provides a touch of longer dwell time, while preserving the unique characteristics of the fiber.
Each structure offers unique characteristics, so select your blade based on the performance and feeling you desire.
Comparison between Outerfiber™ structure (Left) and Innerfiber™ structure (Right)
■:Artificial Fiber A:Surface wood B:Second layer C:Wooden core
Artificial fibers

Super Arylate-Carbon achieves a higher bounce by weaving in a larger amount of fibers than conventional Arylate-Carbon. In addition, adjusting the ratio of Arylate and carbon materials maintains blade suppleness which is a characteristic achieved via the use of Arylate-Carbon.
Very thin fiber obtained by finely loosening plant fibers such as wood to Nanometer size, Cellulose Nano Fiber (CNF) enables blades with low vibration, providing the feeling of "holding the ball" to the blade, despite high reaction values.
Super ZL-Carbon has 1.8 times as much densely woven Carbon-Fibers and ZL-Fibers in mass, as the existing ZL-Carbon by using special technology. The remarkable reaction and control provided by the expanded high-reaction area has taken the blade to the next stage.
ZL-Fiber has a detailed molecular configuration that is strong and elastic. Its ratio is 10 percent lower than Carbon fiber, thus making the blade both light and with a high performance level.
Arylate-Carbon is a special material created with a woven combination of Arylate and Carbon. Blades using Arylate-Carbon have power, speed and control.
Carbon (Tamca-5000) is strong and light: six times stronger and one fifth in weight compared with iron and steel. Blades using Tamca-5000 are light and strong with high elasticity and enable high performance.
CA-Fiber is a special material derived from wood. As it is very flexible, it helps to hold the ball which offers a higher level of control. Additionally, the tensile strength is high so there is also good speed.