Ask The Experts: Nan Li, No: 76
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Grubba Pro
Forehand: Sriver EL
Backhand: Flextra
Question: I’ve been playing for about 10 years with my Grubba pro w/Sriver and Flextra. I haven’t played as much the past 5 years, but I’m getting back to playing regularly. I typically play an all-around style with a lot of defensive blocks and occasional attacking loops. I find myself becoming a more aggressive offensive player as I get better. I want to upgrade to something with a little more oomph. I really like having passive control with my defensive shots, but I want to be able to play more aggressively with offensive shots. I am really drawn to Tenergy 80, but think that I may not be ready for something that fast. I’m thinking Sriver G3 may be a good compromise for me. My blade is worn out (handle keeps falling apart), so I want to upgrade my whole setup. I am looking at several blades: Primorac, Timo Boll All+, Timo Boll Off-, and the Petr Korbel. I am still open to Tenergy if you think I can handle it on a slower blade. What is your recommendation?
Answer: Hi Cooper,
Thanks for your question and interest in Butterfly equipment.
I recommend for you to try the Timo Boll OFF- blade with Tenergy 80 on both forehand and backhand.
The Tenergy rubber series is a totally different playing experience. Compared to your previous set up, it will be much easier to generate spin and speed with while still providing great control.
Hope you find this helpful and enjoy your new equipment!
Nan Li
Coach @ WCTTA