Ask The Experts: Jon Ebuen, No. 80
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Stiga Rosewood , Nano
Forehand Rubber: Stiga Calibra LT
Backhand Rubber: Stiga Airoc
Question: Hi!
I’m writing from Sweden..My son is 11 years old and has the mentioned blades and rubbers.
We are thinking to try Butterfly can you recommend blades/rubber for him?
He is a aggresive player that likes to loop very much… sometimes he is a little too aggressive!! He has played table tennis 4 years now.
I’m looking forward what you will recommend!
Answer: Hi Jens,
Thank you for inquiring about our Butterfly products.
I would suggest for your son to try the following racket:
Blade – Timo Boll ALC
Forehand Rubber – Tenergy 05 FX
Backhand Rubber – Tenergy 05
I believe this set up will help your son to continue to be aggressive but with a better control or feeling in the ball.
I hope this suggestion help your son’s table tennis.
Jon Ebuen
New York Table Tennis Academy