Ask The Experts: Stefan Feth, No. 149
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Timo Boll ALC
Forehand Rubber: Tenergy 05 FX
Backhand Rubber: Donic Sonex JP Gold
Question: Hi Stefan,
I have been using Timo Boll ALC for over a year now and the blade suits me quite well. I am planning to put new rubbers since my rubbers are over 1 yr old. Needed your guidance on which rubbers should I use.
My forehand is mainly top spin game with occasional flat hits. However, with Tenergy 05FX I don’t feel that confident in hitting flat. My service receives are bit weak, so I want a rubber which can give me controlled receives. I am planning to put Tenergy 05 on my forehand now. I have heard it has got more spin compared to Tenergy 05 FX.
On my backhand I have been using Donic Sonex JP Gold. The rubber suits me well as it gives me good control on blocking, hitting topspin as well as jabbing. However, I want to replace the same with any butterfly rubber. I don’t want very fast rubber since I want to have that control on my backhand.
My techniques on both forehand and backhand side are quite good however I want to develop a controlled game rather than playing too fast.
Please let me know which rubbers would be suitable for my forehand as well as backhand
Thanks for your question and interest in Butterfly equipment.
I recommend for you to try the Tenergy 05 on forehand and Tenergy 64 on your backhand. The Tenergy 05 on your forehand is perfect for your topspin game with occasional flat hits that you described. The feel of the Tenergy rubber compared to the Tenergy FX version is harder and can generate more spin than the softer FX version.
The Tenergy 64 rubber for your backhand has a soft feel and makes it easier to generate spin while still having great control.
Hope you enjoy your new equipment!
Stefan Feth
US National Team & Olympic Coach
Coach @ WCTTA