Flushing Bank Cup Table Tennis Tournament
Location: NYISC at 15-35 126th Street, Second Floor, College Point, New York 11356
Date: Saturday, November 10, 2018
▪ Teams Event onsite registration starts at 8:30 am; match lottery draws at 9:30 am, matches start at 10:15 am
▪ Singles Event onsite registration starts at 11:00 am; match lottery draws no later than 12:00 pm, matches start at 1:00 pm,
or as instructed by the NYISC Tournament Director when tables are available.
▪ All matches are to be completed by 4:00 pm with award ceremony promptly at completion of the final matches.
▪ Lunch break at noon, subjected to timing of competition matches. Limited snack items will be provided to players. Soft
drinks and bottled water will be available for purchase.
▪ Exhibition matches will be provided by Miss Liu Juan and her associates. Miss Liu is the First Place Winner of the Woman’s
Singles and Doubles Divisions at the 2018 US National Table Tennis Championship. Exhibition matches are scheduled to be
around 4:30 pm, following the award ceremony.
▪ Light dinner, in buffet style and soft drinks, will be provided for players, VIPs, guests, ticketed participants, and staffs.
Dinner participant tickets, $10.00 each, are available in advance and onsite on the Tournament day.
Entry form download here